Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Youth Hunter Outreach Program offers free educational hunting opportunities for youth to ensure their first experiences in the field are safe and ethical. Trained and experienced staff and/or volunteers lead youth participants through clinics, seminars, and actual hunts in the field.
Small Game, Ages 12-17
These hunts provide education on firearm safety and skills, field skills, and habitat and biology of small game. Hunts are day trips that start early! Youth will be expected to use 20 or 12 gauge shotguns. Shotguns can be provided to those who cannot obtain a youth size firearm.
Big Game, Ages 12-17
Youth hunters who are selected are exposed to an “Outdoor Classroom” that includes firearm safety training, field safety, hunting skills and techniques, hunter ethics and responsibility, and camp chores! Big game hunts typically run three days. Lodging (heated canvas wall tents) and meals are included in these hunts as a part of the overall educational experience.
Waterfowl, Ages 12-17
Safety, calling, and tactics are taught in the field by experienced staff and/or volunteers. Hunts are typically day trips that can run from before sunrise until after sunset. Youth on waterfowl hunts must have prior shotgun experience and be able to safely handle a minimum of a 20 gauge shotgun.
Turkey, Ages 12-17
Turkey biology, habitat, and tactics are taught in the field during the Spring turkey hunting season. The program is designed to provide the novice hunter with basic education in turkey hunting.
The Hunter Outreach Program offers special youth hunts around Colorado. These free hunts are designed to recruit and encourage novice youth and their families to participate in hunting activities in Colorado. Next application date: April 11 - February 28th, 2020